By Kristen Tripodi
If your swimming in the ocean at a beach in NYC, your cry for help might go unnoticed by the lifeguards. The New York Post published a photo of a lifeguard at Rockaway Beach wearing music headphones while on duty. But Rockaway residents say they have seen worse. Lifeguards chatting with people, on their cell phones or text-ing while on duty.
The New York City Parks Department employs 1200 lifeguards, with a minimum age of 16.
In my opinion, that's where the problem starts.
I'm not sure I would trust a 16-year-old to save my life. Most 16-year-olds are preoccupied with their circle of friends and the latest gossip. I know I was when I was 16.
The minimum age should be raised to 18.That is only a 2-year difference, but in those 2 years most teenagers experience a lot of growth in maturity. Raising the minimum age does not mean there will be less on the job text-ing and I-pod usage-but it might help.
We don't allow 16-year-olds to vote, so why are we trusting them to be responsible enough to save someone who's drowning?
There are many distractions on the job, text-ing and I-pods are only two examples. It's common sense to not use either of these devices while on the job. A lifeguard is paid to watch people in the ocean and answer any cries of help. They are not able to do their job if they are distracted.
Both, text-ing and I-pod usage are against New York City Parks Department's rules for lifeguards, but people still try and get away with it.
If a lifeguard is listening to an I-pod or text-ing, they are distracted and may be unable to hear cries for help.
There needs to be penalties for using a cell phone or listening to an I-pod during jobs in general, especially jobs where your undivided attention is required. For lifeguards that text or listen to music on the job, they should be suspended and fired after a second offense. Saving lives is not a job that should be taken lightly and distractions of any kind should not be tolerated.
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