Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pop Warner Football Sign Ups Lower Than Last Year

July 21, 2009

Pop Warner football is going through the same struggles most any other business is going through right now. President of the Central New York Pop Warner league said, "Fundraising is a little down right now...but in due time the economy will turn around and we will weather the storm". After above normal numbers this time last year, Wells said families need to make a tough decision between paying bills and sending their kid off to football. The league also relies on fundraising to cover costs throughout the season. Unfortunately, businesses and the community have not been able to come up with the same donations that the league usually can rely on. Wells mentioned that the league is not concerned with making a profit, but hopes that all of the player's costs can be covered. Sign-ups go through the end of July and the first games are played on Labor Day weekend.

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